Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My friend

Everyday I'm reminded what amazing friends I have. Yesterday I get a call from my most beautiful friend, Laura. She wanted to take Brooklyn and I to feed the ducks with crusts and leftover bread she had been saving for weeks just for this special occasion. We picked her up and the first thing she does is pull out a hello kitty doll (Brooklyn LOVES kitties) and gave it to Brooklyn. Off we went to the "duck" park, not knowing what we were getting into. We pull up and three ducks had already made their way to our car even before we were able to get out. By the time we were 15 feet away from the car we were completely surrounded by at least 60 ducks. We couldn't get the bread out of the bag fast enough. Most children in this situation would be terrified but Brooklyn was so excited. She did such a great job feeding the ducks until they got overly confidant and stated biting her finger.

After being ran over and pecked to death by the ducks we played on the jungle gym for awhile. Here Laura is a newlywed, with her husband at home and yet instead she takes the time to enjoy a duck feeding, sliding and swinging afternoon with her mommy friend. Brooklyn than had to pee and refused to go in disgusting port-a-potty so we left. We stopped for lunch and Laura with her demanding and pushy personality paid for taco bell. We ate lunch and then she gave Brooklyn a princess toy basket to keep all her "gagh" toys together. She fed my child 2 "pop pops", which were dripped on her floor, rug and chairs. Brooklyn than continued to hit her flat screen tv, dump out her piggy bank, pull all her blankets off the chairs and couches and interrupt our chatting conversations, and Laura seem to not even be bothered. I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend who always has time to listen, lend advice when needed, finds humor in times of sadness, has a wealth full of knowledge, accepts and even seem to enjoy my quirky and sometimes difficult personality (probably because she sees the same qualities in herself)and pushes me to be the best person I can be. I am everyday grateful for the friendship we have created.


Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Yeah, Laura is the best. I am glad you have her in your life too. I am so pleased with the friendship you two have formed. You are perfect for each other. Don't forget how awesome you are too!! I am just so lucky to have you both as my best friends.

Laura and Corey said...

julie, stop it right now. i cant even handle that kind post- but thank goodness you threw in some insults to my personality- without those, it would have been just too nice. i love you too...and for the record, i was pretty annoyed when brooklyn tried to break my flat screen. (you know im just kidding...)

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!