Monday, September 8, 2008

the last potty update...

I say it is the last because Brooklyn is officially 100% potty trained. That means big girl underwear all day, even naps. She only wears diapers at night. She had been staying dry out in public but i was too afraid to take the chance of an accident, until about 1 1/2 weeks ago we were going to run errands and she REFUSED to wear a diaper. So off we went on a couple hour adventure and sure enough we were in target and Brooklyn told me we needed to pee, and so she did in target. We ran around for a few more hours and then when we got home another full bladder in the toilet. I went to lay her down for her nap and again REFUSED to wear a diaper. I thought for sure that i was going to have to wash her bedding...and nope, dry again. It has made going out a little more challenging because i am constantly walking into a store and thinking to myself "where is the restroom" just in case we need to make a mad dash for it. Also the germ factor freaks me out...but i just use 15 seat covers and bathe her in antibacterial hand soap. I am so proud of my little smarty pants. I am hoping with this behind us and the binky sitting in a landfill she can focus on talking.

1 comment:

Laura and Corey said...

you guys had a big week! 100% binky free and 100% diaper free! you are the best mom ever. you inspire me to bear children of my own.

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!