Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye 2007

2007 is quickly going to become a memory. This year i have experienced the best of times and the worst of times. By the first of the year i had decided to make big changes in Brooklyn's and my life and debark on motherhood all alone. It was a very easy yet incredibly scary decision. Our future suddenly became unknown. I had to quickly pull myself up from the low emotional state i was in and learn how to care for myself and this tiny innocent life. January was very difficult in that Brooklyn's strong will started to peek through. My child that i thought was unable to cry started crying, and the child that could never wake up wouldn't go to sleep. I spent most of January on the couch nursing her. She was getting up every couple hours to feed and after the move would only sleep in the bed with me. So needless to say sleep deprivation was a issue. In February I reconnected with an old friend who has since helped me find "me" again. Brooklyn had started rolling over this month, a fun milestone. We also went on our first mini vacation to Palm Springs to visit family. Brooklyn was hospitalized in March probably one of the toughest times. Seeing my child hooked up to tubes and machines is a picture i hope to forget. We bought our Aquarium pass this month and enjoyed regular visits there with friends and family. I decided this month not to return to the animal hospital and to take a huge risk and try my hand in the wedding industry. It was a VERY difficult decision for me, for i loved my job and friends at the hospital. This new job allowed me to be home with Brooklyn during the day and work at night. It kept Brooklyn out of daycare and at home with family. I truly miss the hospital, animals and co-workers and i hope to one day be back in that field. In April Brooklyn was able to meet some extended family at Easter. She also started cereal this month and has enjoyed solid food ever since. We also went to the beach for the first time. Brooklyn enjoyed the cool breeze but hated getting her feet wet!!!! I celebrated my 25th birthday in May. We just had a small party at home. This was the first year that I really noticed that i had aged and i have had a really tough times dealing with it! I bought Brooklyn a baby pool this month and we spent a lot of time outside playing in it. Brooklyn has really proved to be a fish. I am really looking froward to swimming with her this year. Brooklyn finally started sitting up by herself this month. June was a great month. Brooklyn started crawling. Life really changed once Brooklyn was on the move. She was finally able to explore the world around her. Her new found Independence let her play with what she wanted when she wanted, needless to say Brooklyn was a happier child. Michelle and Hallie also came down to California this month. We enjoyed visits to the park, beach and quite days at home. It was so fun to watch our sweet girls together. We also had a lot of fun in July. We went to all the concerts in the park. Brooklyn and i had so much fun dancing and singing along. For forth of July we ate a lot of food and cuddled up in a blanket and watched in awe as the fireworks twinkled in the sky. Brooklyn loved watching the fireworks was was not afraid at all of the noise. Brooklyn quickly learned to pull herself up to standing. I also started working for Rancho Las Lomas this month. I was unsure about the change, but it turned out to be for the best. In August we went to the fair with Aunt T. Brooklyn loved looking at all the animals and eating all the fried food...or maybe that was me. I made a commitment to myself this month to loose weight. I joined the gym and changed my eating habits. My main goal at that point was to weigh under 200lbs. I couldn't wait to see a one on the scale!!!! Nothing too exciting in September. Halloween in October was so much fun. Brooklyn just loved being Minnie Mouse and trick or treating. She still wears her Minnie Mouse ears daily. The big one in November!!!! I can't believe the first year is over. I cant believe she started out as a helpless little being and is now a walking and talking mini adult. We were at the mall the day before Thanksgiving and Brooklyn wanted out of her stroller to play with the other kids who were dancing on a flat screen in the floor. I took her out and off she went. She mastered walking that day and running the next. December has overall been a joy. They way Brooklyn's face lights up when she sees ANYTHING Christmas is something i will never forget. She has grown up so much this month. She just amazes me with how much she knows and understands.

The best word i can think of the descride this year is growth. Both Brooklyn and i have grown so much. I am in awe every time I think about where Brooklyn started and where she is now. She is my little angel who gives me stregnth to face each and everyday. She was sent to me by God and i thank him every nigth for my gift! As for me i started this year scared, alone, depressed and confussed and now i end this year strong, supported, proud and most of all hopeful. I know next year is going to be just as challenging, but i face the challenges as a new women and i know 2008 is going to be great!!!

Happy New Year to all our Friends and family! I hope 2008 brings you joy, peace and serenity!

Love Julie and Brooklyn

Thursday, December 27, 2007

24 hour flu...try 7 day flu!!!!!

I had such high hopes this year for Christmas! I was so excited to see Brooklyn tear through the paper, press all the buttons on her new toys, sing Christmas carols with the family. Instead we spent Christmas vomiting, sleeping and visiting the urgent care! It all started on Tuesday with Brooklyn's 1 year check up. Brooklyn is still in the 85% for height and 25% for weight. When the doctor walked into the room Brooklyn said "hi" and waved and then pointed directly to me and said "mama"! The doctor said I guess that answers the "is she talking" question. Then the doctor asked if she was walking and i said yes, the doctor obviously not believing me put Brooklyn on the floor, and of coarse Brooklyn just stands there. I start calling her to walk to me and she doesn't. Then the doctor ask if she actually takes steps and i giggle and explain that she can run, Brooklyn still stands there. At this point i feel really stupid and know the Doctor thinks that i am lying when Brooklyn suddenly starts dancing! It was so cute, she was bouncing swinging her arms and singing! I love me little ham! Then came the shots, which i have decided are the route to all that is evil! The rest of the day and night went fine. The next afternoon Brooklyn Brooklyn's leg swells, gets hard and red and she starts vomiting. She did not stop vomiting for SEVEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!! My poor little child went from 21lbs to 18lbs! It has been a long week for the both of us. I caught the flu Friday night and spent the next 24 hours over the toilet. Today was the first day that the little light of Brooklyn peaked through. She actually played with some of her new toys. Some of her favorites are a doll that came with a binky and bottle. She loves to feed the baby and give it a the binky. She also loves her shape sorter, she watched me closely once and she then quickly figured it out.
I am so glad my little trooper is feeling better. Through it all it was the best Christmas ever just because we were together!

Even though she was so sick she still manged to learn a few new words this week....
With dieting and a little help from the stomach flu i have manged to loose over 20lbs since September! It feels so good to get back to a more normal size. I was able to buy a size 14 jeans which are already really loose. I am probably 5-8 pounds away from a 12, a size i never thought i would be again!!!!! No more shopping at Lane Bryant for me! I still have around 30lbs plus to loose, but now it doesnt seem like such a unreachable goal!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

round one didn't go so well...

I have been waiting for the perfect time to have Brooklyn's Christmas photo shoot. With Brooklyn being the girl that she is i have to make sure all the stars are lined up for it to be "somewhat" successful! I thought the time had come, but i was surely mistaken! Here are the best and worst shots from today...needless to say we will be trying this again at a later date!

This one is my favorite!

My Scorpion

Your child's intensity and perceptiveness are striking (and at times challenging). Even as an infant, she'll read and respond to your emotions, so manage your anger and frustration in front of her.Because your little one is especially determined to get her own way, you'll need to put your patience in overdrive. And since Scorpions are prone to shyness in large social settings, make frequent eye contact and let her know you're there to protect her. Also, keep your home well-stocked with objects that appeal to your child's probing nature. She likes soft staking rings, toys with different textures, and open-the-flap books!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Becoming a toddler

Brooklyn and i decided to venture outside today because the sun decided to peak through he clouds. It was a beautiful day to go to the park. Brooklyn did what usually does. She collects leafs, sticks, rocks and brings them to me to hold. Wants to be pushed for hours in the swing. She loves to dig in the sand box and dump sand all over her. Today she did somethings she has not been able to do yet...climb the jungle gym while holding onto the railing. Before she would just crawl up the steps. This means i officially have a toddler, a toddler who can climb the jungle gym with the big kids!

This is Brooklyn's "blowing" face. She can now actually blow the "blowers"!

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

About Me

My photo
Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!