Thursday, September 4, 2008

bye bye binky!

We did it...finally. After many conversations and one failed attempt Brooklyn is finally binky free. I have spent the last 2 week preparing her (and me) for this day and i think she was finally ready. For the last few months Brooklyn has only used the blue binky and has since made Gigi use the pink one. Today i tied them together and told her to tell me when she heard the trash man.

Then we heard we grabbed them and ran for the door. At first the driver looked at me crazy probably questioning why we were chasing the truck. Then he stopped and realized what we were doing. He sweetly put out his hand and accepted the binkies from Brooklyn. Brooklyn was so brave and without a tear said goodbye to her dear friend.

Right afterward i took her to target to pick out a new lovey to hold when she is sad. First we went down the baby blanket isle and she had to try out the snuggle quality of all the blue blankets. She finally settle on a blue Winnie the pooh blanket. Then we decided to at least look at the stuffed animals and their she spotted him, a medium sized soft fluffy blue elephant. I took him off the self and she gave him a big ole big and kiss. I asked her if she wanted to hold him when feels sad and with lots of excitement she replied "yeah"! So we put the blanket away and took home her elephant. Already this morning she has reminded me that her binky is gone and when we has been sad she asked for her "blue baby" instead of her "dee". I am happy to say we both survived.


Laura and Corey said...

oh julie- lets get real! brooklyn was ready to be done with that binky at least 6 months ago. YOU werent ready! lets also be honest about said "failed attempt"- that was all you! brooklyn was so ready. nonetheless, i am so proud of you and brooklyn as you cruise into the big kid world...but dont worry, yes, she is still a baby!

Liz and Brian said...

Aww you're such a good Mom! I love how you were able to get pictures of Brooklyn handing her paci to the trash man!!!

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

What a touching story! I am so proud of all Brooklyn's achievements. You are an excellent mom Julie-- seriously!

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!