Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My super model

Brooklyn loves to watch me put on make-up and do my hair for work. I let her sit on the counter and give her a blush brush to mess around with. Last weekend she was begging me to put make up on her face, so i did. I also put a headband in her hair Here is the result...(take note of the facial expression)

I have been asked before by photographers whom i have met through work to let them take pictures of her to use in their adds. I have always told them "no" becuase Brooklyn is not that coorprative. But every now and then i see pictures of her like this and realize what a beautiful little girl she is...maybe she is a model in the making!

1 comment:

Laura and Corey said...

she really does look adorable in this picture- maybe the cutest ever!

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!