Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sweet Success

Well she did it...no more diapers. (well, except at night and nap) We bought her first pair of "big girl" underwear, she of course picked Cinderella. She is down to only maybe one or sometimes two accidents a day! The best part is that I don't even need to remind her, I just hear "poopoo" and the little patter of feet through the kitchen. When i get there she is already undressed (depending on what she is wearing) and usually sitting on the potty. She even wipes herself, dumps the potty and flushes!


Laura and Corey said...

i said it before and i will say it again- your next child will be 4 1/2 before potty training!!! but yay for brooklyn!

Julie and Brooklyn said...

Its all in the parenting...

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Your daughter is brilliant! She is the Yoda of toilet-training. (In genius only-- NOT in looks).

Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!