Friday, March 28, 2008

My little monkey

Brooklyn and i try to make it to the park at least 4 times a week. I try to go so often because Brooklyn is a little monkey. Brooklyn can climb all by herself onto all the chairs, beds and even the kitchen table and she can climb down again with no assistance. She is so strong for such a tiny little girl. Going to the park gives her a place to do what she loves and is so good at without giving mom a heart attack. Today there was a 3 year old boy named Texas playing at the park and Brooklyn had no trouble keeping up with him. They were so cute together. Brooklyn's physical and mental strength are not that of a 16 month old . There is not doubt in my mind that Brooklyn is going to be an honor role student and an all star athlete. Here are some pictures of my little monkey climbing up and down on the jungle gym.

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Mommy and Baby

Mommy and Baby
One year together!

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Our journey of life together has just begun. I look forward to every twist and turn that lies ahead. We are a team, and together we will conquer the world!